Outdoor session
Teams of all ages u8 to u19 participate in the spring BCSA soccer league. A birth year chart explains team placement.
This travel league consists of 4 home and 4 away games which are typically up to an hour away. At the u8 level "festivals" are played which are several 4v4 small sided games played simultaneously with many different clubs.
Fully detailed information about the BCSA league can be found in the Whitebook (PDF).
Broome County Soccer League Spring Format:
Age | Player count (including keeper) | Game time | Player limit per game |
u8 | 4 v 4 festivals, small goal no keeper | 15 minutes x 4 games | unlimited |
u10 | 7 v 7 | 30 minute halves | 11 |
u12 | 9 v 9 | 35 minutes halves | 13 |
u14 | 11 v 11 | 35 minutes halves | 18 |
u16 | 11 v 11 | 40 minute halves | 18 |
u19 | 11 v 11 | 45 minute halves | 18 |
Can I play? Training and game space availability by team